Okuchy participated in the “Fuyu-Semi” (Winter Seminars) event at Tohoku University in Miyagi from February 5th to 6th. During the event, Okuchy conducted a unique workshop focused on increasing awareness of the correlation between sleep quality and oral strength. The emphasis was on illustrating how the integration of oral strength training, specifically our original in-mouth muscle training app, TAISO, can contribute to preventing sleep disorders at an early stage.

With enthusiastic participants, we garnered positive feedback through engaging discussions, particularly during an activity centered around three fundamental oral training exercises selected from the nine options available in our TAISO app (accessible on both the App Store and Google Play).

CEO of Okuchy, Ayumi Hata, engages with participants on the connection between SAS and mouth muscles.
A group shares their discoveries and learnings from Okuchy’s workshop with the whole class.
Participants demonstrate one of the mouth muscle training exercises they learned from the TAISO activity.

At the Okuchy workshop, we had a total of ten engaging participants, including students, academic researchers, university professors, and corporate HR representatives from a widely-known Japanese multinational electronics company.

During the event, we discussed with an academic researcher involved in nutrition education for residents at Kochi University. As we plan to visit Kochi Red Cross Hospital in March 2024 for further research and development on swallowing movement, the researcher extended an invitation for us to visit Kochi University for further discussions on sleep quality and muscular strength.

Okuchy’s vision of “your well-being is in your mouth,” encompassing breathing, eating, and speaking, is further accelerating its potential and market reach. Exciting new products and services await our customers around the globe.

Tohoku University, located in Miyagi Prefecture, has been ranked as the No. 1 school in the 2023 Times Higher Education Japan University Rankings for the fourth consecutive year. Fuyu-Semi is a student-led and student-driven project to create a place for learning based on the concept of “Everyone is a teacher, Everyone is a student.”