On March 26th, Okuchy visited the Akabane branch at Nippon Kotsu to honor and celebrate 29 dedicated participants who actively engaged in the three-month-long TAISO program.

This collaborative initiative, which kicked off on December 6th in partnership with Nippon Kotsu, was designed to tackle sleep disorders and bolster safe driving practices, thus enhancing crew health management within the transportation industry. As muscle strength in the throat and neck dwindles with age and lifestyle factors such as weight gain, the likelihood of snoring during sleep rises. Left unaddressed, this issue escalates the risk of sleep disorders, resulting in daytime fatigue, mental health concerns, and the aggravation of lifestyle-related ailments including Sleep Apnea Syndrome. Oropharyngeal exercises have emerged as a proven intervention to mitigate these risks, with reports showing notable improvements in patients with mild to moderate sleep apnea syndrome after three months of consistent practice.

To address this need, we introduced TAISO—a user-friendly smartphone app featuring nine effective oropharyngeal exercises targeting five different intraoral muscles, complemented by weekly dedicated on-site TAISO training by our team members.

Okuchy meticulously monitored the Mallampati score (which assesses anatomical features to gauge the risk of apnea or hypopnea episodes) of each participant before and after the program. Remarkably, 86% of participants demonstrated an enhancement in their scores. Additionally, numerous participants shared positive feedback, noting feelings of rejuvenation in their facial, oral, and cranial regions upon waking, enhanced sleep quality, diminished snoring, and improved oral health. Furthermore, an overwhelming 97% of participants expressed their intent to continue incorporating TAISO into their daily routines.

While we are delighted by the tangible progress observed through the TAISO program, what truly warms our hearts are the testimonials from participants affirming the tangible improvements in their sleep quality and overall quality of life. Over the past three months, we diligently documented participants’ daily activities to assess the impact of TAISO on their lives. We are excited to announce that a documentary capturing these transformative journeys will be released soon. Stay tuned for a heartwarming and inspiring video that showcases the remarkable outcomes of the TAISO program!