To the era of identifying diseases
by AI-based technology
using your smartphone

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About Us

To prevent people in the world from diseases
through our AI-based technology.

Thanks to the development of medical care, diseases can now be cured if detected early enough. However, it is not
easy to notice the signs of illness on your own in their busy daily lives.
By the time many people try to go to hospital, their illness, or other serious illness, has worsened.
This is not only a problem for the person's health, but also a very costly burden on the economics of the healthcare
system. So we need to access seemingly healthy people and get them to recognize the signs of illness at an early
stage and take action.
It is not the role for existing medical institutions. We believe that new technologies would play this role.
We are conducting various studies at universities and research institutions to find signs of illness with a high degree of
accuracy usingAI technology, through only smartphones, which everyone now has.
Using cutting-edge technology, everyone can easily prevent illness. Prevention is preferable to treatment.We are
aiming for such a world.