Okuchy is excited to host kick-off sessions introducing ZzzMeter, our app designed to detect sleep disorders, to over 600 employees at the esteemed Japanese cab company, Nihon Kotsu. The ZzzMeter introductory workshop is scheduled to span three days, taking place on February 16th, 17th, and 26th, at its Akabane branch.

Employees at the Akabane branch took the initiative to create a handwritten signboard,
promoting the ZzzMeter introductory workshop to their colleagues. Thrilled to see their excitement.

Since 2021, Okuchy has cultivated a robust history and relationship with Nihon Kotsu, with the latter embracing Okuchy’s vision of “well-being is in your mouth” during the research and development phase of ZzzMeter. Alongside ZzzMeter, Nihon Kotsu actively implemented TAISO, our in-mouth strength exercise app, with 30 employees since December 2023. Following seven weeks of implementation, eight employees have exhibited significant improvement in the “number of times not breathing in an hour.” This success led Nihon Kotsu to decide to officially implement ZzzMeter across its entire Akabane branch.

The effectiveness and positive impact of ZzzMeter and TAISO are noteworthy, with improvements noted not only in sleep quality but also in their daily lifestyle. Real comments from employees provided below highlight these positive changes:

“Since I started doing TAISO, I feel my airway is wider, and I experience better sleep. Furthermore, as my hobby is karaoke, I can feel my voice has improved” – Cab Driver A.

“Four weeks after working on in-mouth muscle training, a friend told me that my face had become smaller and shapelier, although I had not noticed it myself. I am glad I continued this every day.” – Cab Driver B.

[News Release] First in Japan! Cab Crew Members Begin “In-Mouth Strength Exercise” Experiment” written by Nihon Kotsu.


The collaboration between Okuchy and Nihon Kotsu marks a significant milestone in Japan, with cab crew members being the first to embark on the “In-Mouth Muscle Exercise” experiment. This initiative tested the effectiveness of improving sleep disorders in professional drivers over three months.