From January 29 to February 1, 2024, Okuchy proudly participated in Arab Health 2024, hosted at the Japan Pavilion in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

As the premier international healthcare conference and trade show in the Middle East, Arab Health attracts diverse medical experts from the region and beyond. Okuchy’s inaugural international exhibition was made possible with the support of JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization).

With a compelling message emblazoned on our pavilion – “Are you sure you’re breathing well while asleep?” – Okuchy proved to be a magnet for attendees, sparking engaging discussions about our flagship product, ZzzMeter. Observing the universal focus and attention on sleep and breathing health was remarkable, transcending geographical boundaries.

Over 200 enthusiastic attendees visited our pavilion, with approximately 160 individuals registering for a trial of ZzzMeter. Additionally, we had the privilege of introducing our innovative app to esteemed dignitaries, including the CEO of the Health Regulation Sector of the Dubai Health Authority, the Chairman and representatives from the Egypt Ministry of Health, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Embassy of Japan in the UAE, and the Consul General of Japan in Dubai. We extend our sincere gratitude to JETRO for facilitating these invaluable connections.

Arab Health 2024 served as a pivotal platform for Okuchy’s strategic evaluation of international market entry, marking a significant milestone in our journey toward global expansion.